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Friday, June 30, 2006

How American Are You?

You Are 84% American

You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you!

And That's What I Know!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

What Is Your Phobia?

With the lack of other things to talk about . . . Do you have a phobia?

Some people have Acrophobia (fear of heights),
Others have Homophobia (fear of homosexuals or becoming one),
Believe it or not, I've heard of people who have Coulrophobia (fear of clowns),
And Tyra Banks admitted to having a fear of dolphins.

I'm afraid of our eight legged little friends, the spider. So I have Arachnophobia. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember. Thinking it through, my guess is that my fear started as a little boy. When I refused to take a bath, my mom would tell me that spiders would climb in my hair and lay eggs and then I'd have hundreds of baby spiders climbing all over me. This would get me to wash my hair!

Even the little ones freak me out. All those legs . . . The bigger and hairier the bigger the willies! And they jump and sneak . . . (full body shake)

So do you have a phobia? What is it?

And That's What I'm afraid Of!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Anniversary, Jenny

Today (June 25) is our seventh wedding anniversary! Unbelievable to me! It seems like only yesterday I was watching Seinfeld with you . . . In just the blink of an eye, look how far we've come.

You are my VERY best friend, I Love You more than you know!

I remember when you were in the kitchen cooking ground meat and crying your eyes out. That's when we found out that we would become parents! Miracle of miracles, you have made me a proud father twice over! Our children couldn't be more beautiful! Thank you, Jenny!

I cherish every day that we spend together. You are such a generous person and have such a big heart. I have grown so much with you at my side.

You are my friend, my lover and my partner in life. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

I know that our bond can only become stronger as time goes on.

Happy Anniversary, Babe. I LOVE YOU!

And That's What I Think!

Join The Tribute!

Join Now!
Alright out there, if you haven't already signed up in support of this most worthy cause please do so. September 11 will be here soon and there are only about 18% of the victims who will have tributes. Go to and click on comments to leave your information and sign up. If you don't have your own blog, Let him know that you will guest author on another sight. Before Sept. 11, e-mail me your tribute and I will post it on my blog for you. It doesn't get easier than that!

Other news: A good friend of mine, James, has started an internet radio station, Lost80's. If you enjoy 80's music like I do, then you'll love this commercial free sight. In fact I'm listening to it right now! Perfect streaming! It's AWESOME!!!

And That's What I Think.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wright Amendment Compromise . . . NOT!

So it appears that Dallas, Ft Worth, Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, and D/FW Airport have reached a compromise on the Wright Amendment which was enacted in 1979. My earlier post talks about the pros and cons and the whining of the opposition to repealing the out-dated amendment.

The city councils of both cities must approve the plan and Congress has until the end of the year to approve it before it will become effective. Here's what they've worked out:
  1. Gates at Love Field will be reduced to 20 with Southwest getting 16.
  2. Landing fee will be increased.
  3. Southwest can start offering connecting flight service.
  4. The Wright Amendment would be gone in 8 years (2014).
  5. Love Field will be updated.

The opposition still contends that competition in North Texas would hurt the economy and struggling American Airlines. It's funny that Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York and everywhere else that Southwest flies hasn't had a problem. Perhaps the other airlines should take a cue from Southwest and learn to cut corners where necessary to make a profit.

Proponents for the Wright Amendment repeal are upset that we have to wait 8 years to enjoy the savings the rest of the country already enjoys. But it's only 8 years you say . . . Wrong it has been 27 years since the Wright Amendment was enacted and after 8 more years we come to a total 35 years since we've had low airfares and real competition here.

And That's What I Think.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

2,996 A Tribute

Join the Cause
I'm in! Join the cause! D. Challener Roe is a guy that has come up with a terrific idea. He wants to pay tribute to all 2,996 victims of the 9/11 tragedy. He's calling out to all bloggers to help with this.

On 9-11-06 you will be asked to pay tribute to one of the victims of 9/11 on the 5 year anniversary. Click on any of the links here to sign up. He asked that the life of the victim is remembered and not the evil terrorists, murderers. They should be forgotten.

This a great cause and a nice tribute and a way to remember 9/11.

We Should Never Forget!

And That's What I Think!

Here is a link to all the victims of 9/11.

I've Never Done . . .

So here's something different and hopefully fun . . . I want to know what you have never done. Let me explain. Now that you are an adult (presumably) what have you never done, but could have. Don't cop out and say you've never done anything "gay" or never been to jail.

Here's mine: I have never watched a John Wayne movie. I don't have anything against "The Duke" but when I became an adult and realized that I had never seen one of his movies, I decided that I would avoid them from now on. I hear he made a lot of good movies, but I'll never know.

So what is your, "I've never done that, just because" thing?

And That's What I Want To Know.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Construction Zones

So, here's another driving post . . . I drive between 2,000 and 2,200 miles a week in my company truck. That's about 32 hours a week behind the wheel. I wanted to give you some background to qualify what I'm about to talk about.

When coming to a construction zone, usually there will be a lane closed. Most people that have common sense will move into the lane that will remain open, this is good.
There will always be a few idiots that feel that they should stay in the lane that is closing until the very end. Do these people think that they are in a bigger hurry than the rest of us? Or do they think that they are too good to wait in line with the rest of us?

By getting into the lane that will remain open, you help keep the traffic flowing. Running up to the end of the closed lane and then jumping over at the last minute creates a bottle neck, making the rest of us have to stop so that your dumb ass can get in line.

Here's what I always do: When the "closed" lane is starting to run out and there are cars trying to merge in, I hug the bumper of the vehicle in front of me instead of letting the idiots in, then I slow to make sure the vehicle behind me hugs my bumper. My goal is for the idiots to end up farther back than they would have if they just got in line like everybody else.

This very thing happened to me tonight on my drive into town. I didn't mention that the vehicle in front of me blocked the right lane so the car couldn't get past us. After the construction sight was past, the car the we blocked out came up beside me and told me I was number one! It's funny how when people are anonymous, like on the telephone or CB or in another car on the highway, they think they are 10 feet tall and bullet proof, but when they are face to face they turn tail and run. I like to start to move to the shoulder and invite them to stop with me, however they never do, they just drive on . . . I know this is aggressive behavior, but I really get tired of idiots out there, and it's always the same thing.

And That's What I Think.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Caption This!

Taking a cue from my friend, Alberto. Caption this photo:

My Captions:

1. Tag you're it!

2. Last one to the end of the fence is a rotten egg!

And That's What I Think.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

San Andreas

Well I just completed Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on the PS2. This is the first game I ever completed. Now this game has been out for a while and I've had it for over a year. I know the "gamers" are saying that they finished this game a long time ago, but I only played it periodically. In fact, before today, it had been about three weeks since I had last sat down and played. My brother, Patrick finished it a month or more ago and we had helped each other out when the other was stuck on something.

What a cool game and a lot of fun, however, it's not for children. It has lots of violence and language. Hopefully, on the next game that Rockstar puts out, they'll put in an option to quite the bad language, I just don't think it's necessary.

What I liked the best about this game was the three cities portrayed in it were Los Angeles (Los Santos), San Francisco (San Fiero) and Las Vegas (Las Venturas). I have lived in two of the three cities and enjoyed just "joy riding" to see if they had it down, which they did.

This is by far the best game I have ever played and I look forward to their next game of this fashion. Until then, I guess I could go back to GTA: Vice City since I gave up on that and give it another try.

And That's What I Think.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

"God Hates Your Tears"

"Thank God for IEDs", "America is doomed". These and other slogans are held by picketers outside the funeral of Sgt. Daniel Seskers, killed recently in Tikrit, Iraq. They thank God for this soldiers death and of his entrance into Hell. 76 year old Pastor Phelps (who looks like death warmed over) of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas prays for tornadoes, hurricanes, you name it. They believe that God's chosen people will make their way to their church and when the last person arrives, Christ will return and the world will end.

Is this a twisted cult or what? I have a couple of thoughts about this entire subject.

First, the soldiers are doing their duty. They were sent to fight, because they joined the military to serve their country and our leaders said "Go". Let the grieving family alone while they deal with their loss. Picket the White House if you must. A funeral is for those who have ties to the departed, not a place to create a scene for your cause.

Second, these people are idiots and/or are brainwashed by their cult leader. His daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, will surely continue her dad's cause because she is already on the picket lines, too. I understand how being extreme can get you extra media attention to get your name and cause out there, however, this is beyond reasonable.

Third, Phelps believes that he "is 100% right, absolutely 100% right". This is a strong case as to why I think that religion is crap, to put it mildly. You can twist anything you find in the Bible to make it your cause as you want to interpret it. That's why there are so many versions of the Christian faith. This one doesn't believe in alcohol, that one doesn't believe in birth control, this one says women shouldn't wear pants, make-up or cut their hair. Another one says that multiple wives are acceptable. The list goes on. That's how each "sect" chooses to interpret their version of the Bible. Then you have the other "religions" - Muslim, Hindu, Judaism, Jewish, you name it. They all have their beliefs, like being a suicide bomber for a good cause will reward you in Heaven. Now I don't think any less of you if you are a religious person, but don't push your faith on me. I have my beliefs, too, and I'm not trying to sway you my way.

For those who are interested, I was raised Lutheran. I also had a mother that instilled good morals in me. Today I know right from wrong and I live morally. I don't have a fear of going to "Hell" because I do things with a moral sense of obligation to myself and my family. I consider myself a Humanist. Religion is for those who need a sense of direction and a place of acceptance for themselves.

And That's What I Think.

Goodbye, Grandpa

I woke up this morning before everyone else. I went out to get the Sunday paper from the driveway. When I came in I decided to check on everyone. The kids were still sleeping. Then I noticed Grandpa laying on his side. He must have died in the night.

Grandpa came to live with us about 2 1/2 years ago. He was a great help at keeping the peace. He didn't like it when there was too much drama.

When I first found him I knew that Jenny would be the most upset. She was pretty close to him and appreciated all that he did. I didn't bother to wake her, let her get her sleep for now, I thought. I took care of everything that needed to be done.

When Jenny finally got up, she said that she had heard my exclamation and figured that Grandpa had passed on. It was not a surprise, as he was getting old and he had a large legion on his head.

Goodbye, Grandpa.
BTW - Grandpa was a Paradise Gourami (fish).

And That's What I Think.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Our Commander-In-Chief . . . LOL

On Monday, June 5, President Bush will promote a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage in all 50 states. This president with his agenda . . . All I can do is shake my head. Doesn't Congress have other, more important things to worry about and vote on, like maybe a withdrawal strategy for Iraq. Shouldn't the President concentrate on things like finding Osama Bin Laden? No, instead we have a man that really didn't want to run the country. He was more interested in finishing what his dad didn't do by going into Iraq and ousting Saddam. He's had it easy his entire life and he thought the presidency would be no different. Now, the man that has bankrupted several companies, played hooky from the military during war time and has several drug and alcohol problems, is methodically ruining our country. He has systematically alienated most of the relationships with other world leaders that former Presidents Clinton and Carter have established. Our popularity as a nation could not get much lower among the citizens of those nations. Mrs. Bush recently went on record as not believing her husbands popularity is at an all time low. I was a devout Republican until this idiot came into office. I feel as though my eyes have been opened. All I can do is wait until next year and vote again to elect someone with half the sense as our current "leader." In the meantime, he'll continue to grease palms and run our country into the ground.

Thank you for your time as I ramble on.
And That's What I Think.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Sharing the road does not simply refer to cars and bicycles. It means share the road with everyone - pedestrians, trucks, everyone. Being a professional driver, I have had additional training about traffic and sharing the road. I wish that ALL drivers received training about this subject before they were allowed to drive on our highways. Mostly I'm talking about learning to share the road with "big trucks".

Recently, on one of my trips, I was making a right turn in a double turn lane. I was in the outside lane because big trucks require a wide turn. A van was in the inside lane also turning right. She didn't give me the room my trailer needed and had to stop her car so it wasn't hit. At the next red light she gave me a stare that would melt butter. Like it was my fault that my trailer wouldn't stay in it's own lane. This kind of thing happens on a daily basis, because people are not taught about sharing the road with big trucks. And this is only one of the hazards.

A campaign was started by the D.O.T in 1994 to educate motorists about the dangers of trucks, called the No-Zone.

Basically, this picture shows blind spots for the truck driver and where you should avoid "hanging out".

Here are a few other ways to be safe when big trucks are near you:

  1. When a truck is turning, STOP. Give them all the room they need.
  2. Stay out of the "No-Zone", if you can't see the trucks mirrors, he can't see you.
  3. Don't pass a truck and then slow down for whatever reason. A truck can't stop as fast as you. Stay out from in front of them when possible.
  4. If a truck is trying to pass you, don't speed up to match their speed. Many trucks are governed, matching the truck speed is essentially clogging up traffic behind you.
  5. When you see a trucks flashers on, he is either stopped or backing up, beware!

Let's all work together to make the highways safer. Understanding the limits of big trucks can help keep everyone safe.

And That's What I Think.