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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Our Commander-In-Chief . . . LOL

On Monday, June 5, President Bush will promote a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage in all 50 states. This president with his agenda . . . All I can do is shake my head. Doesn't Congress have other, more important things to worry about and vote on, like maybe a withdrawal strategy for Iraq. Shouldn't the President concentrate on things like finding Osama Bin Laden? No, instead we have a man that really didn't want to run the country. He was more interested in finishing what his dad didn't do by going into Iraq and ousting Saddam. He's had it easy his entire life and he thought the presidency would be no different. Now, the man that has bankrupted several companies, played hooky from the military during war time and has several drug and alcohol problems, is methodically ruining our country. He has systematically alienated most of the relationships with other world leaders that former Presidents Clinton and Carter have established. Our popularity as a nation could not get much lower among the citizens of those nations. Mrs. Bush recently went on record as not believing her husbands popularity is at an all time low. I was a devout Republican until this idiot came into office. I feel as though my eyes have been opened. All I can do is wait until next year and vote again to elect someone with half the sense as our current "leader." In the meantime, he'll continue to grease palms and run our country into the ground.

Thank you for your time as I ramble on.
And That's What I Think.


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