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Monday, August 13, 2007

Don't Squeeze The Charmin

Do you remember Mr. Whipple from the Charmin commercials? He's always yelling at the customers in his grocery store to not squeeze the Charmin, then he squeezes it because it's so squeezably soft.

I have tried to use other paper products to widen my horizons or save money, but I always come back to Charmin. It's the best of the best for toilet paper. When you get caught away from home and that urge sets in, you are forced to use whatever is available. More times than not, you are stuck with John Wayne paper, rough and tough . . . well, you know how it goes.

Charmin is like resting my hind end on a cloud. It's like a pillow for the under side. Charmin is my friend. Forgive me, Charmin, for ever straying, but alas, I have returned.

Here's a classic commercial for you to enjoy:

WARNING -The following is not for the faint of heart-
A few weeks ago, our 4 year old wasn't spending the proper time wiping his hiney and would then try to pass gas and leave a mark. We were on to him for the next couple of days to be sure he was taking care of business. On this particular night he'd had a BM and suddenly realized that he needed to return to finish the paper work. After about 10 or 15 minutes I called to him and he came into the room with his pants down. I ask him what he was doing and he said that he was wiping. My next mistake was to jokingly ask him how much poop he had in there, to which he promptly turned around, bent over and spread his cheeks for all to see!
We laughed about that for a while.

And That's What I Think.


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