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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello, all!

I just had to get on here and post this.

So we've acquired a couple of cats over the last few months . . . I know, I know. The first one adopted us and long story short, we got a second one to keep it company.

Now, they are both females, the newest one is about 10 months old, the one that adopted us, we think is about 14 months old.

In the past couple of days the older one, let's call her Sam, since that is her name. Ha, ha. Anyway, Sam has been really eager to get outside, meowing loudly, mournfully and scratching at the door and window.

She's got to be in heat, right? So I get on the internet to see what the signs are of a cat in heat and I come across this article about how to calm a cat in heat.

I won't post it here, you'll have to click on the link and read it from the website. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I don't know if it's real or a goof, but it is very funny. Warning: The article is a little graphic.

Here is the article. Enjoy and be ready to laugh.

BTW - Happy New Year!

And that's what I think.


  • At May 05, 2009 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Omg, that is HILARIOUS.....i cant beleive ANYONE would actually DO THAT????


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