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Friday, March 16, 2007

Down The Road

The "Left Lane is For Passing Only!" Some people don't realize that this is the same thing as "Keep Right Except To Pass."

I drive for a living and it has gotten increasingly worse lately with the people that park themselves in the left lane. What are they doing there? The right lane is empty and they are going below the speed limit. Get out of the way! Why are you holding me up? Do they think those signs are "No Smoking" signs and since they don't smoke, it doesn't apply to them? I can't understand their problem, by hogging the left lane they are forcing everyone to pass them on the right. They are absolutely clueless.

Then you have the idiots in the right lane that are going slow, which is fine, but when you move to the left lane to pass them, they speed up like it's a race. Look, buddy, you're not going to the same place as me so there's no way you can beat me there. Just drive at your pace and let me go about my business. Ten minutes later, there they are going slower than you, so you go to make the pass and guess what? Yep, they speed up again.

Because I drive so much, I've learned to appreciate my cruise control. When a vehicle is entering the highway it is his job to merge with ME, not the other way around. Now I will move over if the left lane is clear, usually, but if they can't give me the courtesy of a turn signal, I may not move.

People wonder why there's road rage. If these idiots out there would learn the rules of the road and learn to share the road with others and obey the law (I know thats a lot to ask), they wouldn't make other drivers so angry.

This has been "Down The Road" with John

And That's What I Think.


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