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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Son Is A Playa

Johnnie is 4 years old now and is continuing to express his love for girls. It is the cutest thing.
Johnnie and Mel
Over Thanksgiving holiday, while visiting in El Paso, we met my BIL's girlfriend and she has a 3 year old girl. The kids played together well and after taking a group picture, I noticed that they were holding hands. Awwww!

About a week ago he asks Jenny if he can listen to Ratso Frats (Rascal Flats). This happens to be one of Jenny's favorite groups, so we have lots of their albums.
Johnnie and Olivia
Jenny: Why do you want to listen to Rascal Flats?
Johnnie: Because Olivia likes them.

Olivia is in his class at daycare. She came to his birthday party and he just went to hers last weekend.

I picked Johnnie up from daycare the other day and all of his female classmates want to hug him bye. The teacher tells me that he is the only boy that all the girls want to hug.

You go, buddy!

BTW - I got the new computer set up and running, now is the arduous task of moving everything from the old computer to the new one. Yea, me!

And That's What I Think.


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