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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Big Carrier

PBS recently aired a reality show aboard the USS Nimitz. The ten hour mini series takes place in 2005 and follows the supercarrier on a six month "cruise" to the Persian Gulf and back.

I found this show to be very informative. With over 5,000 seamen aboard, an aircraft carrier becomes a small city. Life aboard the ship can be very interesting.

I did, however, take offense to a couple of things with the editing of the show.

First of all, they repeatedly interviewed personnel who stated that if it weren't for the Navy, they'd be in jail, on drugs, dead, etc. They had nothing before the Navy, they were on a road to nowhere. While this may be true for many people who join the military, the editors of the show made it seem like all enlisted personnel were there because their family was poor and they had nowhere else to turn. I joined the military, not because I was on a path to destruction, but because I was a patriotic young teen who loved my country and felt that it was my duty to serve her! Not once did the editors include an interview of someone who joined to serve because they were patriotic. Nope. Thank the Navy for being there when all these troubled teens had nowhere else to turn. Thanks, Uncle Sam!

The second thing I have a problem with occurred in hour eight. Each hour focuses on a specific subject aboard ship. Hour eight was the religious hour. Many of you know that I'm not a religious person, and I prefer to live and let live. There was a young man that we get to know who is very religious. He has his brothers in the Lord and we find out that he even leads a sermon aboard the Nimitz. Here's my problem, he states that, because he is religious, his morals are very high and he disrespects those who do not follow the Lord because they have no morals. Now the editors did a fine job here, because when they next make port, this religious leader heads out to party with the locals, picks one up, disobeys curfew, has illicit sex and tells his buddies about it the next day. He goes on to say that since he has repented, all is OK.

Now, who has the higher morals? Not this guy! Just because he can repent gives him free reign to do as he chooses? We all have decisions to make in life. The way your parents raised you has a profound effect on the choices you make. Being religious doesn't give anyone higher morals than a person who is not religious. Keep that in mind the next time you make an iffy choice but feel secure in the fact that you can always repent.

Overall, I enjoyed the show. If you missed it and are interested, PBS will be re-airing it June 18. I will warn you, because there are no commercials, this 10 hour series is like watching 13 hours of anything else. Check your local listings.

And That's What I Think.


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