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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"Death to America"

That and other "hate" slogans were among those shouted throughout the Middle East in recent days in protest to a cartoon published last September by a Danish newspaper. Just a few hours ago in LAHORE, Pakistan demonstrators were targeting and vandalizing American brands like Citibank, Holiday Inn, Pizza Hut, KFC and McDonald's. Now I can understand being upset, but America had nothing to do with it. These Muslims who say they are mad because of the cartoon depicting Muhammad as blasphemous are merely looking for a reason to riot. If that were truly the reason, why would they target American brands? No, they are jealous of our freedom and way of life. They have been oppressed for centuries and we come over there with our democracy and freedom and they feel threatened. I say, pull our companies out of the Middle East, pull our troops out of there, pull our money out of there and let them all kill themselves! When the blood bath is over, we can go in and get all the oil we want. If only it were that simple.

The standards these people live by is below our comprehension. They would kill themselves while blowing up children and innocent people as well as there own kind for the good of Muhammad. What a load of crap! If these people are so easy to brain wash, we need to kidnap them and teach them to do good in Africa for all the starving people there and elsewhere in the world. Maybe send some of them to Antarctica to help explore there. Maybe use them for scientific testing instead of animals - oh wait, that would be the same thing!

And That's What I Think.


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